30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (22nd to 24th June)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

Did you know that a simple pocket calculator placed alongside your TV set can be a constant source of amusement?  If you don’t believe me, why not watch your friends’ faces as they try in vain to change channels with it!

And with that handy household tip out of the way, it’s time to let you know what’s happening at the Rising Sun this weekend

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, Friday's ELVIS JUKEBOX NIGHT has had to be cancelled

However, Saturday sees READ COLLEGE present PLATFORM

Read college returns with its hugely successful fringe comedy productions.

Read College presents :PLATFORM, a brand new comedy show written and devised by the students of Read college. From blank page to a hilarious, fully scripted professional production in just three weeks. A charity event to support Read college student hardship fund, dedicated to promoting arts training to all students, no matter what their economic background.

We're open at 7.30pm and the show starts at 8pm.  There's no admission charge, but we suggest you keep some money aside for donations

Finally, Sunday sees another OPEN PAGE/OPEN STAGE

A monthly collaborative event for writers, artists, musicians, and everyone in between! The premise is an extension of the traditional ‘open mic’, however the focus is on words and collaboration. We want people to come and showcase their art in a safe and comfortable environment. If you’re an artist, bring your work early on so we can hang it around. If you write – poetry, prose, songs, plays – bring a piece or an excerpt. Actors – come and practice for auditions! If you play an instrument, bring it along! Think of the evening as a cross-creative spectrum jam night.

We’re open at 7pm and it’s absolutely FREE!

That’s everything for another week, just to remind you that we are, as always, at 30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST (If you pop it into your satnav or Google, we shall magically appear!)

Have a nice weekend!

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Damien's picture

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Damien's picture

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